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Bambi!Just what is After Y2K?
After Y2K is a sexy and cutting-edge blend of high-tech cartoon comedy, eclectic characters, and cool animation. Filled with zany plot twists, pop-culture references, strong character development and celebrity cameos, events in the cartoon often mirror real-life events, blurring the line between the cartoon's universe and our own, and providing hilarious opportunities for satire and commentary.

The cartoon is well-rounded by a daily poll and a second cartoon in the poll results, making After Y2K one of the best and funniest entertainment values for your click.

After Y2K stands apart from other web cartoons in many ways. It breaks free of the three panel black and white format with beautiful, full colour illustrations, and utilizes the WWW medium with animation, sound, and Shockwave episodes.

It has an extremely loyal and growing fan base, with a very active and entertaining message board community and IRC chat room.

Frequently Asked Questions regarding the comic.
Why is the comic called After Y2K?
It's called After Y2K because the comic is primarily about events that occur after the year 2000. During it's first year of production (1999), it dealt with events one year in the future. Currently, the comic's timeline is the same as ours. It's also known as AY2K for short, and if you're a fan, you are called an AY2Ker.

Didn't the comic end on January 1st, 2000?
Um, nope, not at all! It really only just got going, what with the TTBs saving our world from the Y2K Bug, Arthur C. Clarke's Real Millennium Beams, the Go-Go Invasion, Steven Hawking's startling discovery, the apprenticeship of Martha Stewart, the Prairie Dog capture of Bill Gates, Tubes Mania...

I don't quite get something about the plot or characters.
Try asking in the Forums. Nitrozac and Snaggy post there frequently, and can usually answer your plot or character questions, as long as it doesn't reveal future developments.

I've found a spelling mistake or broken link!
Please email Snaggy if you've found something related to the comic that needs fixing.

What do you use to produce the comics?
The comic is produced entirely on Macs, with help from Photoshop, Illustrator, Director, and other software. The website is created and updated using BBEdit and Adobe GoLive.

Is this your full time job?
Yep, both Nitrozac and Snaggy work full-time producing the comic, as well as doing other Geek Culture duties

Nitrozac!I want more info about Nitrozac! Where can I find it?
Coming soon, a Nitrozac page, which has links to her interviews, appearances in the comic, and other stuff.

What's with Nitrozac never showing her face?
The Nitrozac mystery started out as a tribute to the fine tradition of the "mysterious stranger" seen in many TV shows and movies. You know, like the Emperor in Empire Strikes Back, or Charlie in Charlie's Angels, or the Millionaire in that oldie but goodie TV show "The Millionaire". The fans loved it, and it took on a life of its own.

Actually, over the course of the comic, she's shown quite a bit of her face. Maybe not her full face all at once, but most of it, a little bit at a time. ;-)

What's with the Aliens? Do they really control everything, and do they have some sinister plan to conquer Earth?
Aliens? What Aliens? ;-)

Have a question for the FAQ? Email it!

After Y2K Credits:
Created and illustrated by Nitrozac.
Written by Nitrozac and Snaggy.

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